Tips to Help You Lease a Storage Unit to Clear the Clutter

Leasing a storage unit can allow you to clear a lot of unused stuff from your home. It's been said that living within a cluttered space can cause you to feel more stress and anxiety, so why not try clearing out some of the stuff lying around that you won't be needing in the next several weeks? Here, you'll find a few tips that'll help you clear out your home to create a serene and comfortable space to enjoy each day.

Lease the Unit

Before you sign any lease agreements, make sure that you fully understand the lease in its entirety. Look into what would happen if you're late or miss a payment—how much time will you have to get caught up on payments before you have to worry about the contents being auctioned off?

The lease will also include information about what's allowed to be stored in the unit. Dangerous items that could combust will not be permitted in the unit, but some other items may be restricted as well. Some storage facilities prohibit the storage of perishable items, as well as combustibles—rules vary from storage facility to storage facility.

Prepare the Unit

Before you go stuffing the storage unit full of your stuff, you need to do a little prep work. This prep work will help you stay organized and protect the items in the unit from any moisture damage.

If you have shelving units around that won't be used once you get your home cleared out, take those shelves to the storage unit and use them there.

Another thing to consider is placing wood pallets on the floor to put boxes and bins on. If you were to place the boxes and bins on the hard concrete floor, the moisture in the concrete could begin to wick up into the boxes and bins and cause the contents to smell musty, creating the perfect conditions for mold to grow.

If you have lots of clothes to hang, get a sturdy pipe from your local hardware store. Extend this pipe between two shelving units and use zip ties to secure it in place.

Talk with the storage professionals to learn more about leasing a storage unit and begin clearing your home. By this time next year, you could be feeling the freedom of living in a clutter-free home. All you need to do to get started is visit a storage unit service today.
