Keeping Your Storage Unit Perfect

Three Tips To Prepare Your Boat For Storage

Storing your boat for the winter months is essential for helping to minimize wear and tear on the boat. However, it can be common for new boat owners to be fairly unsure of the steps that must be taken to properly prepare a boat for storage. To this end, you should consider these three tips to keep your boat safe from some common problems that can arise during storage. Use A Fuel Stabilizer Read More 

How to Use a Storage Unit to Create the Ultimate Hope Chest for Your Child

Traditionally, a hope chest was a wooden chest that girls filled with various home necessities, such as blankets, silverware, and dishes, as they made or collected them so they would be prepared to start their own household when they got married and moved out of their parent's house. While many modern American families still utilize some form of traditional hope chest, times have changed. Both men and women are getting married later, around ages 27–29 as opposed to the early twenties, which means that both men and women may move out of their parents' houses and have to create their own household before they get married. Read More 

Safeguarding Your Valuables From Mold And Mildew In Self-Storage

Excess moisture is always a concern when it comes to keeping your most valued possessions in self-storage. Not only can excess moisture damage documents, electronics, tools and clothing, but it can also encourage mold and mildew growth. When mold takes hold in your self-storage unit, it can be an uphill battle to not only eliminate it, but also salvage your belongings. The following offers a few tips on how you can prevent mold growth in your self-storage unit. Read More 

Cleaning And Storing Solutions To Prevent Mold In A Storage Unit

If you want to rent a self storage unit so your belongings can be stored long-term, then you want your items to remain in great condition throughout the entirety of the storage period. Making sure the storage unit is completely closed off, sealed, and locked is the first step to ensuring that your belongings are not damaged by pests or weather. However, you need to also protect your items from the formation of mold. Read More